Water leak and evacuation of F-tower

Early this morning, an apartment building on Carolina van Nassaustraat was evacuated due to a massive water leak.

The leak is believed to have occurred around four o’clock on the eleventh floor of the building. It is likely due to a burst water pipe.

Fire brigade units from Archipel and Leidschendam-Voorburg stations were initially alerted just after four o’clock.

Because it’s a major leak, with water flowing over multiple floors, it was decided to evacuate the building around five o’clock. Due to the coordination between emergency services, a Grip-1 situation has been declared.

All homes in the F-Tower of the building have been evacuated. The residents are being accommodated in a nearby NH hotel.

Update 08:15: The water supply for the entire block has been shut off. Due to the risk of short-circuiting, the electricity in the residential tower where the leak occurred has also been turned off. The leak was sealed around 6:30.

The repair of the leak, as well as the inspection and drying of the electrical installations, are expected to take a long time.

Update 21:00: The propertymanager of Schep (landlord) will be present during the coming week in the Laundry at CvN 165. She’s available to answer questions.

Tenant satisfaction survey is coming

Next week (the week of September 4th), the annual, large-scale tenant satisfaction survey will start again!

This is your chance as a tenant to let Bouwinvest (the owner of your property) know what your experience is in the areas of living comfort, safety, livability, sustainability, and residential enjoyment.

The execution of the survey is carried out by an external research agency, Customeyes. Next week, you can receive an email from Customeyes containing a link to the online questionnaire.

Consider your experiences with the kitchen renovation, repairs and maintenance of your home, but also public spaces such as elevators, entrance doors repairs (like glass replacement or automatic door openers) , and timely information provision. Your feedback is very valuable.